Many businesses generate large volumes of waste but may struggle to manage it in an efficient and cost-effective way. If you have been looking for more efficient waste management solutions for your business, you may have come across baler machines, but what is a baler and how do they work?
What is a baler?
A baler machine is a useful piece of recycling equipment that presses waste materials together so that they can be tied together and turned into bales. They reduce the volume of recyclables so that they can be more easily managed.
How do balers work?
The baler chamber is loaded with recyclable waste, such as cardboard or plastic, and then a plate on the end of a hydraulic cylinder presses down onto the material and compresses it until it reaches the desired bale size. The bale is tied off with strapping tape or wire, and then ejected, ready to be stored and await collection.
What are balers used for?
Balers are primarily used for cardboard and soft plastics, but there are also baler models designed to be used for steel cans, tyres, car bumpers and more. Balers are commonly used by businesses to more effectively deal with large quantities of waste, rather than being used in residential situations.
Why are balers necessary?
Many businesses have a lot of waste they need to dispose of and a baler can help compact it down to save space and ultimately aid with recycling. Consider the quantity of cardboard and plastic a business will accumulate through deliveries even in a single week. Until it can be disposed of, this packaging will take up a huge amount of space on site, even causing potential trip and fire hazards.
Baled waste, however, can be stored neatly in a corner or any appropriate space until it is ready to be collected due to its compact shape. For this same reason, baled waste saves on collection costs as more can be picked up in one go.
Most types of baled waste can provide additional financial benefits as you can also sell bales you produce to recycling collection companies so that you earn revenue from waste recycling.
What types of balers are there?
There are many types of balers and compactors available for businesses, each designed to suit specific waste quantities and types. For example, larger businesses with lots of waste will require a larger machine such as a horizontal baler, whereas smaller businesses may prefer a more compact vertical baler.
Horizontal balers are also available in semi-automatic and fully-automatic models to further reduce the labour required to bale waste. These balers assist in the loading of the waste and tying of the bales.
Can a baler make your business greener?
In addition to saving space and making recycling processes more efficient, businesses that use a baler will also experience other benefits.
Balers allow you to be more environmentally friendly than is possible with other methods of waste disposal because there is no danger of recyclable waste getting mixed with non-recyclables and being sent to landfill. Improving your business’s sustainability could help to attract more customers in a more eco-conscious world.
Now that you know what a baler is, do you think that one of these machines could be the right solution for your business’s waste management needs? If so, you can browse our range of balers.